Bypass google recaptcha using sound recognition with python selenium

Bypass google recaptcha using sound recognition with python selenium

For this presentation we will use the "Buster" extension


2 min read

Hi, i will present you how to easily bypass google recaptcha using python selenium and a web extension who use speech to text API to bypass the google recaptcha

you can download it here for Chrome

so we will start our python script by download the extention in .crx file here is an guide to

we will start our python script by adding the extension to the chrome options of the driver

chrome_options = Options()

and open a site with a google recaptcha

driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=executable_path, chrome_options=chrome_options)


as you can see if we click on the checkbox to start validating the captcha there will be a new logo as :

unknown.png and when clicking it the extension (Buster) will automatically resolve the captcha. to add it to our script we can take 2 screenshots in the same folder of our .py :



and add the python lib pyautogui as :

from pyautogui import *

(at the beginning of our code) and start make a loop who search if we can see the buster logo extension on our screen and click to it if yes :

while 1:
    cap = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen("check.png")
    verif = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen("verif.png")
    if pyautogui.locateOnScreen('check.png', confidence=0.8) != None:
        print("i see the captcha")
        print("i can't see the captcha")